Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Prof. Sharon Pardo
Sharon Pardo (Ph.D., Ghent University, Belgium) is a full Professor at the Department of Politics and Government and the Director of the National JMCE – CSEPS at BGU. One of Israel's leading experts of the EU, Prof. Pardo is the only Israeli awarded with a Jean Monnet Chair ad personam. He is an Adjunct Fellow at the National Centre for Research on Europe (NCRE), University of Canterbury in New Zealand, Member of the Board of the Israel Council on Foreign Relations, and a Member of the National Executive of the Israeli Association of International Studies. The sole BGU faculty awarded a Jean Monnet Teaching Module and a Jean Monnet Chair in European integration studies, Prof. Pardo teaches and designs a variety of courses in EU studies and international law and has taught in Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and Israel. His research interests focus on EU-Israeli relations, the legal-political dimension of the European integration process, as well as the Euro-Mediterranean partnership (UfM).

Ms. Hila Zehavi
Hila Zahavi is a PhD student in the Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). Her main interest is the European Union, focused on the European Higher Education Area, Higher Education Policies, and Normative Power. Her MA research focused on the relationship between Europe and Israeli human right NGOs. Her PhD research focuses on the Normative Power theory and the Othering theory in international relations and its implementation in the Global Strategy of Bologna process. From 2010 to 2013 Ms. Zahavi has been functioning as the Tempus coordinator at BGU, which tried to examine the possible implementation of elements of the Bologna Process in Israel. In 2012 she was a founding member of the Bologna Training Center at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Today she is the director of academic development in The Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society – National Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, at BGU.

Mr. Tal Rippa
Tal is an M.A student studying Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev . In the past Tal has worked in the National Student Union (NUIS) as well in the local student union of the University, holding the position of academic assistance manager. Today Tal works as a projcet coordinator at BGU's Bolonga Resource Centerat . Tal's research deals with the civic studies program in Israel and examines the democratic principles presented in the High School text book while also assessing how the EU perspective is presented