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Bologna Resource Centers- BRCs


One of the central aims of the Near-EU project is the establishment of ‘Bologna Resource Centers’ (BRC) in partner institutions. The BRCs will serve as national information and study hubs providing students, faculty and policy makers with increased knowledge and understanding of internationalisation trends in higher education, and specifically the implications of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area for their respective institutions. 


Once established, the BRCs will be coordinated together into a nexus of resource centers on the Bologna Process. The partnership between the four non-EU partners (Israel, Singapore, New Zeland, Canada) and the European Partners (Germany, Slovenia, Greece) is of particular value as it works to develop an international dialogue and knowledge exchange related to the internationalisation of higher education and the role of the European Higher Education therein. 


Alongside the policy-oriented dissemination of knowledge and information on the Bologna Process, the BRCs also work to generate research and study on the European dimension of higher education. As each BRC is located within a European Studies Center- they are each engaged in the promotion of European studies within their respective institutions. A central objective of the BRCs is therefore to support the incorporation of higher education studies within European integration studies. 


The BRC activities are vast and tailor-fit to the institutional/national needs of each partner. 

Visit Near-EU's BRCs

Near-EU is an Erasmus+ program,

coordinated by the Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

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