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"Researching the Bologna Process effectiveness: regime complexity and interplay" - Dr. Foteini Asderaki

The European Higher Education Area – Development, Frameworks and Stakeholders - Ms. Barbara Michalk

From the “External Dimension”
to the Global Strategy of the Bologna Process - 
Prof. Pavel Zgaga

Bologna Process in Israel - Ms. Hila Zehavi and Mr. Yoav Friedman

The Bologna Process:
a View from the Outside - Mr. Conrad King

Bologna Process and Recognition of Qualifications in Israel - Ms. Edlira Adi Kahani Subashi

Bologna Process – a New International Higher Education Regime - Mr. Yoav Friedmam

Bologna and Israel: The Students’ Perspective - Ms. Ma’ayan Hagage

The impact of Erasmus+ on understanding the Bologna Process in Israel - Ms. Kathrin Remer - Theurillat

The BTC’s Annual International Conference
On the subject of Bologna around the World –
A Comparative Point of View: programme

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