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Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt

Professor Knodt is JM Professor in Political Science, specialised in European Multi-Level Governance, European External Energy Governance and interest intermediation. As a leader of Energy Centre at TU Darmstadt, she pioneered a vision of energy as a cross-cutting issue. Treating energy governance as a question of negotiation capacity and coalition-building potential. She is currently coordinating an international research project on EU External Energy Governance towards the emerging powers supported by Volkswagen Foundation (Germany), Riksbankens Jubieumsfonds (Sweden) and Compagnia de San Paolo (Italy) and incorporates 11 partners in EU and four ‘emerging powers’. She is a part of a German Research Foundation Group on local knowledge formation on climate and energy policy and Co-Coordinator of an EU Project on ‘Images of the EU as a global energy actor as seen through the eyes of BRICS vis-a-vis the EU’s ‘Big 3’. She has created valuable contacts with key practitioners in the EU energy area as well as in civil society. 

She has four years practise as Dean of the faculty responsible for the development and implementation of Bachelor/Master programms according to the bologna process. She is responsible for the exchange programms of the faculty.

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TU Darmstadt

Near-EU is an Erasmus+ program,

coordinated by the Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

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