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NCRE University of Canterbury

Prof. Martin Holland

Professor Martin Holland, holds NZ’s only Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, is Director of the National Centre for Research on Europe at the University of Canterbury and of the EU Centres Network New Zealand. He has taught at the Canterbury since 1984 and in 2000 established the NCRE, NZ’s only EU tertiary level centre. He is internationally recognised for his work on EU Development policy, CFSP and Perceptions of the EU. He leads the “EU External Perceptions Project” which was recognized by DG EAC as one of the top 20 “Jean Monnet Success Stories” and has supervised projects on perceptions of the EU in Asia, Africa and the Pacific. He has held a Jean Monnet Chair ad personam since 2008 and is the author of over one hundred articles and chapters and twenty-one books, the most recent being “Development Policy of the EU” (with M. Doidge, Palgrave, 2012) and Communicating Europe in the Times of Crisis: External Perceptions of the European Union (with N. Chaban, Palgrave-McMillan, 2014).

Mr. Will Shannon

William Shannon is an early career researcher at the National Centre for Research on Europe.  His PhD thesis examines the experiences of a cohort of Australian and New Zealand undergraduate students who spent a semester or more on exchange in Europe, while my his MA constituted a case study of the rationales driving the national policies for the internationalisation of higher education in New Zealand, the findings of which were compared with those of the seven European countries (Austria, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the United Kingdom) analysed as part of a European Union 5th Framework Programme project. He has developed a strong interest in and understanding of the Bologna Process and related European developments in the field of higher education, ensuring that he is familiar with the higher education sector and the wider context within which it operates.

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Near-EU is an Erasmus+ program,

coordinated by the Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

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