Dr. Foteini Asderaki
Dr. Foteini Asderaki is an Assistant Professor of European Integration Theory and European Educational Policy at the DIES, University of Piraeus. She is the Director of the Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation (ERDIC). She is currently an Advisor at the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs on European issues. She was a Bologna Follow-Up Member (2004-09) and in 2015 was selected as a Horizon 2020 external evaluation expert (H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015). She has been nominated by the European Commission as the coordinator for the Observatory of the European Public Sphere in Greece. Her academic interests and publications concern European Integration Theories, European Governance, and Policies, European Educational Policy, Higher Education, Research and Development, Quality Assurance and Internationalization of Higher Education. She is a member of the Internationalisation Committee of the University of Piraeus. She holds a PhD with distinction in Political Sciences issued by the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her Thesis, entitled as “The Formation of an International Regime: The European Higher Education Area” was awarded by the Hellenic University Association for European Studies the Honorary Grant of the National Bank of Greece in memorial of Theodoros Karatzas for the best dissertation (2004-8). She has been the academic coordinator of four Jean Monnet projects since 2012-13 (B.E.S.T., EuropeStARTS, YouthActiv, and U4EU); she supports the European Commission’s “Teachers4Europe” and “Teachers4Europe Ambassadors” from its initiation (2011) as well as the EP School Ambassadors pilot program. She has been teaching at the undergraduate as well as at the postgraduate level at the DIES, and at two postgraduate programmes of the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education. .She has published books and articles on European integration issues and in particular on European Higher Education Area. She has also worked at the Ministry of Education (2002-2009) and she has been a member of several European and intergovernmental committees.
fasderaki@gmail.com / asderaki@unipi.gr

Dr. Christina Kontogoulidou
Dr. Christina Kontogoulidou is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Piraeus at Health Management and Health Economics since 2008. She holds a Bachelor at Statistics and Insurance Science of the University of Piraeus, a Postgraduate Degree and a PhD on IT and Health Management of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
During the latest 20 years Dr. Kontogoulidou is the Head of the International Relations and European Programs Office at the University of Piraeus. She is responsible for the management of European programs and several International relations Protocols; she has been the University's Coordinator of the European Mobility Programs since 1995, and lately of the Erasmus+ program and the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program while participating in co-financed European and research programs as Coordinator or Partner of other Universities and Associations.
During 2004 – 2013 she was a Bologna expert of the National Unit appointed by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. In 2013 she was honoured by receiving the “Erasmus Minister” title from the European Association Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC) for her contribution to the Erasmus programme, and she was elected as a member of the EAEC Council. Since 2013 she is the Head of the Traineeships Association of 6 Hellenic Universities and 3 Municipalities. Moreover, since May 2015 she is participating as a Researcher in the team of the National Technical University (NTUA) of Athens at CERN.
University of Piraeus

University of Piraeus
The University of Piraeus is a dynamic public university called to fulfill a multilateral mission within the framework of economy and society of knowledge while satisfying the request for excellence.
Department of International and European Studies
The Department of International and European Studies offers high-quality teaching and research, related to contemporary Europe and International Institutions. A series of lessons of the Department and the School of Economics, International and Business Studies that deal with public politics and international political economy, is linked with the monitoring of developments in International and European level of Education, Research, Development and Inter-University cooperation.
Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation
The aim of the laboratory of Educational policy, Research, Development and Inter-University Cooperation (ERDIC) is to become a scientific and valid institute to produce basic and applied research in the above-mentioned subjects and also cover educational and research needs of the Hellenic society.
The subject of the laboratory is research and study of the trends and the international developments in the sectors of education, research, development and inter-university cooperation.
The sectors of activation differ and their aim is to integrate the educator’s synergies in issues such as:
· Research on European and International subjects. Identification and respond to specialised educational and research needs.
· Development and implementation of International and European Programmes
· Training educators and educations executives on international and European issues.
· ERDIC educates a wide network of school teachers on European issues through the Program of European Commission's Represenation in Greece "Teachers4Europe".
· Development of co-operations with similar laboratories and research centers in Greece and abroad, with the aim of exchanging opinions, data and co-producing research, studies or other scientific work relating to the subjects of the laboratory.
· Knowledge and research dissemination with informative brochures, scientific magazines and publications of articles, studies and books.
· Organisation of lectures, conferences and seminars in national and international level.